10x Sie die Anzahl Ihrer

Mehr Newsletter-Abonnenten zu gewinnen, kann schwierig sein. Wir machen es durch Gamifizierung einfach.

Unsere Lösung hilft Unternehmen, E-Mail-Listen mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit durch Auszeichnungen und Spiele aufzubauen, was ein erfreuliches Kundenerlebnis darstellt.


The Founders

Dejan ran e-commerce service company for 10 years helping clients scale and grow their businesses through technology. But he noticed that those that outsell others use leverage called newsletter subscribers.

So, for the next three years, Dejan focused on helping businesses scale their following via newsletters until he found a winning formula to help them always, predictably generate new followers/subscribers.

That's when he met Jovana. By combining skill sets, work ethic, and core values, the company exploded. Today, the Advento has transformed e-commerce businesses in four continents by helping them with their core issue — getting their message for less.

Expensive ads? No problem.

In the world of the ever-increasing cost of reaching your audience, there is one constant. Owning your audience. AKA — newsletter subscribers.

That is why we help our customers overcome their problems and 10x their current subscribers' list within 12 months or less.

How do you do that? What do I need to do?

As a small team, we can only accept 22 companies each year. You need to book a demo first, so we can see if we can help you.

But, once we onboard you, we will provide custom designs for four different tentpole events during the year.

Each event has recognition and importance with your audience, such as Valentine's Day, Easter, Summer vacation, 4th of July, Halloween, Black Friday, Christmas and more.

We then provide banner designs for each of the gifting/countdown campaigns, texts for your customers to engage with your company and text for ad campaigns.

Then, we run campaigns for you to achieve maximum results at the lowest cost. And we reach the number every time. Guaranteed.

What are you telling me? You do it for me?

Yeah. Well, we need you to approve creatives and texts, but we do it all. So you can focus on your business while we grow your customer base.

Here are some numbers

For privacy reasons we can't show you all the companies names publicly.

Larger company
Christmas 2022
Medium-sized company
Easter 2023
Small company
Haloween 2023
Market Germany Germany, Austria, Switzerland Norway
Duration 24 days 8 days 6 days
Total submissions ~310.000 ~32.000 ~3.600
Unique subscribers ~37.000 ~8.400 ~2.600

But wait! There's more... 😉

See some calendars in action right now.
Click on the links below to open them:

Unterstützt die erstaunlichsten Marken der Welt

Komm zu uns und lass uns gemeinsam das Lead-Generierungsspiel rocken!

Camp David Soccx
Nirvan Javan
Accor Hotels
Scotch Soda

Fesselnde Kampagnen und unvergleichliche Erlebnisse durch den Einsatz von Gamification

Im Marketing dreht sich alles um Daten, und wir helfen Ihnen dabei, Leads zu finden und neue Kunden anzusprechen.

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